Finding Your Perfect Role

Our Authentic Journey Career Transition service is designed for individuals who are looking to make a major change in their career. Whether you are switching industries, starting your own business, or returning to the workforce after a break, we provide guidance and support to help you navigate the transition process. Our approach is rooted in authenticity and self-discovery, and we work with you to identify your strengths, skills, and values. Through personalized coaching and targeted skill-building exercises, we help you to create a clear vision of what you want to achieve in your new career. From there, we develop a customized plan to help you reach your goals, providing support and guidance every step of the way on your authentic journey.

Resume Revamp - $250

Resume Revamp - $250

Revamp your resume to conquer applicant tracking systems and boost response rates. With expert resume editing services, I optimize your document to surpass automated screening, leading to a remarkable 54% increase in response rates from employers. Stand out from the competition with a tailored resume that showcases your achievements, ensuring higher visibility and more interview opportunities. Increase your chances of landing your dream job by impressing applicant tracking systems and capturing the attention of hiring managers.

Personal Branding Package - $500

Personal Branding Package - $500

Transform your personal brand with our comprehensive Personal Branding Package. Enhance your online presence and career prospects with a complete solution that includes a resume revamp, LinkedIn makeover, and the creation of a professional portfolio where applicable. Craft a consistent and impactful personal brand across multiple platforms, differentiating yourself from others. Amplify your visibility, credibility, and opportunities with our tailored Personal Branding Package, designed to showcase your unique strengths and goals.

Job Hunt Deluxe Package - $1000

Job Hunt Deluxe Package - $1000

Unlock your path to career success with our comprehensive Job Hunt Success Deluxe Package. This all-inclusive package goes beyond personal branding and encompasses essential elements such as networking advice, interview preparation, and unlimited support. With a strong network, tailored interview preparation, on dedicated ongoing support, you'll gain the confidence to ace any job interview.  Experience the ultimate package for achieving your career goals with our Job Hunt Deluxe Package.

Coaching Scheduling