Taking the Next Step

Ready to take your career to new heights? Our Career Development coaching service is designed for ambitious professionals who are eager to enhance their professional growth and maximize their potential. Through a collaborative process, we gain a deep understanding of your career aspirations and strengths, and create a personalized action plan tailored to your goals. At Authentic Journey Coaching, you will receive ongoing support that will help you stay focused, motivated, and accountable as you take the necessary steps towards achieving your career objectives. Unlock your full potential and seize new opportunities with Career Development coaching at Authentic Journey Coaching.


Our Approach



During the assessment phase for career and skill development, our focus is on gaining a comprehensive understanding of your unique strengths and areas for growth.  We will invest heavily to explore your current skill set through a series of targeted assessments, exercises, and examinations of previous performance reviews and work products. Together, we will leverage this valuable information to create a personalized roadmap that guides your career and skill development journey towards success.

Taking Action

Taking Action

In the Taking Action phase, we embark on an immersive journey to hone your areas for growth through dynamic exercises and engaging role-playing scenarios. Each session is designed to provide hands-on experience, combining pre-session assignments, live role-plays, and skill-specific evaluations. Through purposeful exercises, real-time presentations, and constructive feedback, you will experience accelerated skill development and gain the confidence to apply these newfound abilities in your professional environment. Our goal is to empower you with practical skills that seamlessly transfer to the workplace, equipping you for success in real-world situations.



Reflection is a vital part of our journey towards personal and professional growth. It's an opportunity to pause, celebrate accomplishments, and gain valuable insights from our experiences. By looking back, we develop a deeper understanding of our progress, strengths, and newfound skills. This self-awareness boosts confidence and informs future decisions. At Authentic Journey Coaching, we emphasize the importance of embracing and appreciating our journey, recognizing how far we've come, and empowering ourselves to reach new heights. Let reflection be your compass on the path to success.

Coaching Scheduling