Three apps that changed my life

Jun 28, 2023


I am firmly in the camp that using your phone is bad for you. The number of apps or websites that are pitched to be a panacea, some magic elixir that will cure all ills, is astounding. For the most part, they just suck up your time, increase your screen time, and add at least one more notification for us to delete throughout the day. 

That said, there are three apps that I use that I firmly believe have actually improved my quality of life that I'd like to share with you. Maybe they'll help you too!

*Important Disclaimer: This content is not sponsored and I am in no way financially benefitting by sharing these apps. This is strictly one human sharing helpful tips to another.*

1. Curable

Curable is an app designed to help people with chronic pain.  The app is built by a slew of scientists at the top of their respective professions to build a research-backed way to train your brain to fight chronic pain.

Admittedly, I have not explored the full suite that exists within Curable. The reason it is my number one app is because of one key feature: the Panic Button. As you might guess from the name, you are supposed to hit the button when dealing with a panic attack or severe pain. Immediately you are directed to an eleven minute audio exercise that becomes your partner through this journey, helping you conquer this feeling.

It works. REALLY works: it has stopped all five times I have felt panic-y from turning into something greater. To have a tool in my back pocket to break out in case of emergency provides such a feeling of comfort and stability, I can no longer imagine my life without it. It's my secret weapon- and now it can be yours. 

trello productivity

2. Calm

There's a reason that people have been professing the virtues of meditation for thousands of years. I admittedly was very skeptical, probably because it seems so easy. "All you do is sit there".

Meditating is extremely challenging and I found it much easier to learn how to do this with a guided instructor. Personally, I have used the "Mindfulness for Beginners" class by Jeff Warren, who does a great job recognizing that meditating is a difficult concept to grasp for people. Once I began meditating, even if I don't do it as often as I'd like, I found that I have become better at grappling with my thoughts and making issues that seem overwhelming seem more manageable. 

headspace meditation

3. Fastic

 Some important context about me: I have a huge sweet tooth. Even though I am extremely gluten intolerant and allergic to sugar, I cannot help myself. When the sun goes down and there's a full moon, I transform into a beast in search of....cookies. And ice cream. But especially cookies. 

Fastic is an app that helps people in their journeys with intermittent fasting. While I am not strictly devoted to the life of intermittent fasting, again I have focused on one specific feature of the app: the "I'm done eating" button. Hitting a button and affirmatively saying "I am making the choice that I am not eating anymore today", while seemingly small, has had huge impacts on my snacking. Not only has it helped me to fight my cravings, but I have also found that it has helped reduce the cravings themselves. 

This app may not be for everyone. But if you, like me, have a late night food problem...this may be for you. 

myfitnesspal health


Most people who know me well know that I talk incessantly about screen time. It is probably the thing in our lives that correlates most directly with quality of life: the more screen time, the less happy most people will be. Delete the apps, put your phone down. Experience the sun on your face and remember what your own thoughts feel like.

With all of that said, these are the apps I rely on. The ones that have sincerely had a positive impact on my life and helped me achieve a freer, healthier life. Maybe they'll help you too.